Thursday, June 24, 2010

Whatever WORKS ;)

Well my son is 2 1/2 months away from being 3 and he is STILL NOT potty trained, mostly due to blatant inconsistency on my part!!! But, after being asked during church by an usher for a diaper, because my son had asked his teacher to pee pee in the potty and DID actually do it!  I decided he was ready and I AM NOT!

I keep putting it off, excuses keep coming to mind, 2 weeks ago it was "we are going to camp" and now we are going to the beach next month and it just seems soooooo much easier to change a diaper, but I know it is inevitable....he cannot got to college wearing a diaper, so this is what I did.

He loves diapers and will con his sister into putting one on him if I won't!

So today when he woke up I took his diaper off and of course he wanted a fresh new one but instead he got the one above presented to him, and I told him that bugs ate his diaper, I know I already feel horrible just writing this, but it worked.  He didn't cry or anything he just repeated bugs ate my diaper and then he proceeded to say I want underwear...EUREKA!

So I have to tell you how this started...  My sister has 5 children and she used this tactic when trying to get the pacifier worked, every time!

So we made him (not knowingly) one of those kids who drank warm milk before bed every night.  2 weeks ago we tried the "bugs ate it" tactic on what he called his NANA, (A.K.A. juice cup with milk in it) and it worked! I was a believer!

Once again he didn't cry, he just accepted it and only asked for it a couple more times and each time we would show him the cup and he wouldn't want it!

Now the recipe for this is.... cut holes in whatever you don't want them to have anymore (that also makes it unavailable for you to give in) and put some syrup on it just to make sure it's sticky then sprinkle some pepper on it!  You can't find this stuff in books people!

I ADORE my kids and would never do anything that would hurt them, let me clarify that my son NEVER drank off this cup nor put this diaper on, just in case that wasn't clear ;)

So far we have had a successful poo poo in the potty and repeated false alarms for peeing, who would have thunk! Wish us luck at the beach, if they aren't all closed before we get there ;)

BTW your kid doesn't have to be afraid of bugs to do this, my son loves bugs!


  1. I love this! My son is completely in love with bugs. Its how we get his sunscreen on him every morning - we tell him its bug lotion! I'm going to have to try this with the pacifier. He's totally addicted. Thanks for the tip!

  2. I only had girls have always heard that boys were so much harder to train. With girls, I guess the thrill of big girl panties is all they need. Put a princess on those big girl panties, and it's even faster. Grin.

    So cute and funny to me that you used this bug trick on your little fellow. It's cute that he is so logical that he just went and put on the underpants instead.

    Congratulations on a huge milestone! I well remember the days we could shout out a la Dave Ramsey,

    "We're DIAPER FREE!"

  3. THAT'S AWESOME DEBBIE!!! I enjoy all your comments and advice. Give me 72 hours and if successful I will so be video-ing the "we're DIAPER FREE!"

    and good luck on the pacifier Michele!

  4. I think this is a fantastic idea! I will definitely have to pass this on to my sister and sister in-law! Good luck at the beach!

  5. I love this idea!!! TFS! I've just awarded you an award over on my blog, here's the link:
    ♥Laurie from Scene of the Grime

  6. So funny. I am going to have to remember this trick for when I have little ones

  7. This is a weird post..but here goes. For years I shopped for my kitchen canisters waiting to get a price I could afford..THERE U HAVE THE SAME KIND ON YOUR KITCHEN COUNTER ..i did see the precious child too! Lady you have good taste!

  8. Go ELI GO!!! Or should I say let him go Kerri, let him GOOOO! You wont know what to do if an usher doesn't come get you out of choir on Sun.!

  9. So true Sarah that in itself will be worth potty training him!!!
